Hassan Kurbanbaev
Hassan Kurbanbaev
Hassan Kurbanbaev
Hassan Kurbanbaev
Hassan Kurbanbaev
Hassan Kurbanbaev
Hassan Kurbanbaev
Hassan Kurbanbaev

“In the modern history, Uzbekistan was mentioned as one of the Soviet republics, and then – as an independent country of post-Soviet area. If we do not talk about politics and social life, in the first and in the second case, the country most often associated with fabulous Samarkand and Bukhara – they attract western tourists by historical monuments and beautiful bazaars. But the country’s capital is Tashkent, the largest city in Central Asia. City that represents fusion of cultures, carrying a memory of historical event and changes. It seems to me, for different reasons, Tashkent is not displayed well in the broadest sense of contemporary documentary, and lately I have depressing feeling about that. I did not get a proper answer for myself yet. Being not a documentary / street photographer, I decided just to go out and start to document my city.
The city absorbed the wisdom of the ancient East and the Soviet past, which is still expressed in the social life. I determined for myself that I’m interested to show Tashkent as separately taken city, without involvement in the country. It is surprisingly calm and measured. This is my hometown; I was born here, grew up and I still live here.”- Hassan Kurbanbaev.

Hassan Kurbanbaev lives and works in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. At young age he worked as cinematographer and was focusing on social issues and then worked as journalist/presenter at local radio stations. Since few years he discovered photography as the best medium to embody himself. He is a Self-taught photographer. Recently he completed few projects about his native city- Tashkent.